Since 2013, we specialize in purchase of credit rights

We manage distressed bank asserts and specialize in recovery of huge portfolio loans throughout the Russian Federation. Today our active portfolio includes 76 thousand debtors, that totals 16.5 bln. roubles. The company was founded in 2007. Since then we have learned to ensure overdue loans recovery procedures only by legal means.

According to the new law № 230-FZ of 3 July 2016 on protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals in debt collection process, our company is officially entered into the State Register of Legal entities, engaged in overdue loans recovery.

Our mission

Billions of repaid loans, millions of resolved legal cases, thousands of new jobs, hundreds of satisfied investors

Our objectives

Development of civil society as a reliable, most efficient debt collection agency with a market value of 1 billion rubles and productivity of 5 mln. roubles per staff member per year.

Our tasks

  • Providing continuous training opportunities to our specialists to raise the level of their skills. Creating an enabling environment and conditions for individual professional growth.
  • Constant implementation of high-tech processes, non-standard innovative solutions in the functioning of the society.
  • Development of the network of regional offices in Russia.
  • Establishment of a key platform which will enable entering into a civilized dialogue between banks and debtors to improve financial literacy of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Our advantages

  • 1
    Partner Security
    We are responsible for all reputational risks
  • 2
    Coherent Mechanism
    Standardization and automation to the fullest extent possible
  • 3
    Author’s Approach
    Implementation of our elaborations in debt collection
  • 4
    A maximum number of tools to influence the debtor
  • 5
    Large Portfolio
    Our debt portfolio exceeds 16.5  billion roubles
  • 6
    Work throughout the territory of the Russian Federation
  • 7
    All actions are undertaken in conformity with the current legislation
  • 8
    Partner Awareness
    Our partners receive extensive information: analyses, audio and video information, etc.

Contact us

We consider your situation, and our specialists will
call you back to provide one-on-one assistance